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Dortmund Eindhoven Entfernung

Driving from Dortmund to Eindhoven: Distance, Time, and Route Options

Distance Between Dortmund and Eindhoven

The driving distance between Dortmund, Germany, and Eindhoven, Netherlands, is approximately 161 kilometers (100 miles).

Driving Time

The estimated driving time between Dortmund and Eindhoven is approximately 1 hour and 36 minutes.

Shortest Distance by Air

The shortest distance between Dortmund and Eindhoven by air is approximately 13,777 kilometers (8,561 miles).

Recommended Route

The most recommended route for driving from Dortmund to Eindhoven is via the A40 motorway towards Essen, Bochum, and Dortmund-Kley.

Train Travel

The average train travel time from Dortmund to Eindhoven is approximately 3 hours and 51 minutes. The distance covered by train is around 85 miles.
